(and still stream)
Artist, Fernando Perdomo earned the equivalent of 3 yrs of streaming income in 7 hrs.
Fernando’s most streamed song “Waiting” (with Mario Gil) reaching 124,013 streams over 37 months.
When you launch on GoodTunes, you can still launch to streaming services. Release first on GoodTunes as a tool to learn which songs your Superfans love the most. Then, you can push those songs to streaming services and maximize traction. Plus, not pushing every single song to streaming offers Superfans a reason to buy your music.
A GCC EP or Album is more than just a one-time sale. Every single time your EP or Album changes ownership you make money. Forever. Even as important, your fans are your fans. With their permission, you have full access to them.
No matter the format, physical music has provided its buyers with a broad set of personal use rights. You can keep it, play it, sell it and gift it.
Now, you can do the same with GoGoods® Cloud Collectible Music™. It's the way that digital music should have always been.
The free GoodTunes Player available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store provides the same convenience and portability that music listeners expect.*
From the Sony Walkman to the iPod to the iPhone, people are used to moving to their music, and having their music move with them.
With GoodTunes, it's not either Collect or Stream, it's both! We believe that Streaming is a great discovery tool.
The challenge is, Streaming is not a great income tool for most Artists. This is where GoodTunes an help.
GoodTunes committed to helping Artists make money through their music. We’ll even do the work so that you can focus on what you love to do, make music. Get started today, by clicking the button below.
Fill out the form on the button below and our team will reach out to you 48 hours.
You choose the EPs or Albums you want to promote to fans and we’ll do the work.
Launch your EP or Album and get real money through GoodTunes™.
GoodTunes™ is a revolutionary music platform where you can sell music to your Superfans and make more money than streaming alone. GoodTunes is powered by GoGoods®, a trusted-third party hub that provides provenance, and transfer of ownership for every EP or Album sold, resold and even gifted.
No out-of-pocket costs. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Receive 70% of sales income - forever - based upon a 13.5% fee of the album sales price (or minimum flat fee of $2.44 if $18 or under).
You own all the right to your music. You only provide a similar license to your music as people who buy physical goods. They will have the ability to sell, resell and give away. BUT, unlike physical goods, you are paid every single time that new ownership occurs. Forever.
Receive 70% of sales income (e.g. sell an album for $20, get $14).
Any album not currently featured on a DSP (e.g. Spotify or Apple Music) will be able to be played via the free GoodTunes player (available on web, Apple Store or Google Play).